Indie Authors Tips for Book Marketing

03/23/2013 15:59

Indie Authors Guide to Book Marketing from Vancouver, Washington

Book marketing 101

Everyone that's written a book wants to see it published in most situations they are pulled in by the vanity publishing companies. "Pay me and your book will be…" sounds great until reality sets in! There are right ways in marketing books and yourself and there are easy ways.

The easy ways of marketing your books are being exploited today by every online retail outlet including Amazon. The fastest growing segment of the book industry is indie authors. We are out there and want to see our books published, available to the public right now! Trust that they're taking advantage of it right now. They know the market place, what prices are best to sell your books and they all take advantage of the percentage split based on price. I am not suggesting that in the formal approach to marketing your books that there aren't percentages split, but the rewards are much greatertoo.

I should start off with a question or two; how many books have you sold of your most recent book? Then, maybe the next question should be; how many books do you want to sell? These are important questions that should be asked. You're a writer, an artist at that, but you are in the business of books and have to put on the hat of a business person, a sales representative and a marketer. It does not matter which of the formal approaches to book marketing you select. What does matter and it matters a lot that you take the approaches with the seriousness of a business person{.